Ministries List

Andi Schmith, President,

Eucharistic Ministers (Training)
Bruna Borowski, Coordinator

Finance Committee
Allen Heyman, Chairperson

St. Vincent de Paul
Bill Mannion, Coordinator, 941-258-3398,

Homebound Ministry
Maria Fernandez, Contact Parish Office

Intercessory Prayers
Lucy Blair, Coordinator, Contact Parish Office

K of C, Council 11483
Tom Reichert, Grand Knight,

Liturgy Committee
Bruna Borowski, Chairperson, 941-743-6877

Men’s Emmaus
Contact Parish Office, 941-743-6877

Parish Council
Contact Parish Office, 941-743-6877

Peace and Justice

Prayer Blanket
Annette Massey, Coordinator

Angela Solomon and Kellmis Fernandez, Contact Parish Office 941-743-6877

Religious Education
Cindy Kuykendall, DRE, Contact Parish Office 941-743-6877

Respect Life

Resurrection Choir
Contact Parish Office, 941-743-6877,

Bruna Borowski, Coordinator, 941-743-6877

Stewardship Committee
Contact Parish Office

St. Max Outreach
Contact Parish Office

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Bill Mannion, Pres., 941-258-3398,

Visitation to the Sick
Contact Parish Office, 941-743-6877

Women’s Emmaus
Contact Parish Office

Youth Group
Cindy Kuykendall, Coordinator, 941-743-6877


Stewardship Prayer
Creator God,
Life is Your gift to me.
Through Baptism, You invite me to share the gift of my life
In service to others.
Be with me as I choose each day
To show Your Presence in our world.
Give me the courage and generosity
To respond to Your Love, to Your call.
I pray especially for those who serve You in ministry
throughout the parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
May we bring the Good News to those in need.
Keep us close to You.
Open the minds and hearts of many others
Men, women, and young people
That they may accept Your challenge
To build the Kingdom in our parish.

We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.


Requesting your Time and Talent. Please read the ministry descriptions and choose where you would like to share your time and talent.